The GPS module I've chosen to try is based on a MediaTek MT3329 chip. This has been paired with a patch antenna by a Taiwan company called GlobalTop, and placed on a custom breakout board by 4D Systems, based in Australia. The wonderful thing about this unit is it can give updates at 10Hz, or 10 times a second! In comparison, most hand-held GPS units only update once a second. The higher bandwidth is needed for this project.
Although the spec sheet states that it can be configured to run at 10Hz and a baud rate of 115200, the unit from 4D Systems can NOT be configured "as-is". I did not discover that until my chip arrived. After speaking with them, I was told that the existing firmware doesn't allow me to update the baud rate. But, they offered help and even some "tools" to allow me to update the firmware as needed.
Success! I managed to make the updates without much problems and was finally able to set the chip to 10Hz updates and 115200 baud. The little configuration utility that they supply is very handy and allows you to make these changes on-the-fly. You can even pick and choose which NMEA sentences you want and how often you want them.
The primary sentence I'll be using is $GPRMC. Below is a sample of this sentence and a table showing its format:
RMC Data Format | |||
Name | Example | Units | Description |
Message ID | $GPRMC | RMC protocol header | |
UTC Time | 064951.000 | hhmmss.sss | |
Status | A | A=data valid or V=data not valid | |
Latitude | 2307.1256 | ddmm.mmmm | |
N/S Indicator | N | N=north or S=south | |
Longitude | 12016.4438 | dddmm.mmmm | |
E/W Indicator | E | E=east or W=west | |
Speed Over Ground | 0.03 | knots | |
Course Over Ground | 165.48 | degrees | True |
Date | 260406 | ddmmyy | |
Magnetic Variation | degrees | E=east or W=west | |
Mode | A | A=Autonomous Mode D=Differential Mode E=Estimated mode | |
Checksum | *65 | ||
< CR > < LF > | End of message termination |
Now, some code: Below is the code thus far for reading the GPS and parsing some of the variables in the GPS sentence. It is very important to note that the ONLY sentence I'm using is $GPRMC. I have my GPS unit configured to only output this particular sentence, so I am only concerned with this one at the moment. The function ParseGPS() shown below is specifically tailored to the $GPRMC sentence. Of course, this can easily be modified for any sentence you're using.
/////////////////////// GPS Functions ////////////////////
void ReadGPS() /////// Read GPS data /////////
while(Serial.available() > 0)
aChar =;
if(aChar == '\n')
// End of record detected. Time to parse
index = 0;
GPSData[index] = aChar;
} // end while complete=0
} /////// END read GPS
void ParseGPS() ////// Parse GPS data //////////
Lat1=0; Lon1=0; Course=0;
for(index=0; index<length; index++)
case 2: // Valid Data
case 3: // Lat1
case 4: // N/S Indicator
case 5: // Lon1
case 6: // E/W Indicator
case 8: // Course (course)
} // switch
} // for loop
} // End parse GPS
How it works: In the function ReadGPS(), serial data is read until the end of the line is reached and stored in the array GPSData[]. The function ParseGPS()
will then take this comma delimited sentence and break each 'part' of the sentence into its respective
variables, but without any decimal points. A switch command is used to do this. The image below shows the numerical assignment to each 'part':
In my code example above, I'm seperating out the variables: valid data, latitude, longitude, N/S indicator, E/W indicator and course. Some of these require extra processing. For example, after ParseGPS() is run, latitude will look like this:
23071256Latitude and longitude are in format ddmm.mmmm (d=degrees, m=minutes). In the case of latitude, we must take the currently stored latitude value of 23071256 and split it into it's distinct parts to end up with two additional variables, those being degrees and minutes (23 degrees, 07.1256 minutes in this example). Looking ahead, I know for use in calculations I'll need to use radians, so I'll also need to do two conversions: convert degrees and minutes into decimal degrees, then convert to radians.
Converting GPS coordinates to decimal degrees:
Your GPS will give you coordinates in Degrees and Minutes format, like ddmm.mmm. All our calculations require Decimal Degrees (same thing Google uses). Here's how to convert:
This means: 23 degrees, 07.1256 minutes Formula: dd + ( mm.mmmm / 60 ) So... : 23 + ( 07.1256 / 60 ) = 23.11876 degrees Convert decimal degrees to radians... The decimal degree value will need to be in terms of radians. Just multiply by our earlier variable Deg2Rad, or by PI/180.
Lastly, I'll need to also make use of the N/S indicator to determine if we're in a north or south latitude. If southern latitude, I'll need to make the final radian value negative. Here is the code for both latitude and longitude:
///// Now, finish parsing /////////////////
// Latitude - Seperate Lat1 into Deg & Mins, convert to decimal deg, then to radians
TempLong = Lat1/1000000; // Degrees
TempFloat = (Lat1-TempLong*1000000)/10000; // Minutes - TempLong & TempFloat are just temporary variables
Lat1 = TempLong + TempFloat/60; // Decimal degrees one of them is float, the other Long
Lat1 = Lat1 * Deg2Rad; // Radians
if(NS_Indicator=='S') Lat1=Lat1*-1; //make negative if South latitude
// Longitude
TempLong = Lon1/1000000; // Degrees
TempFloat = (Lon1-TempLong*1000000)/10000; // Minutes
Lon1 = TempLong + TempFloat/60; // Decimal degrees
Lon1 = Lon1 * Deg2Rad; // Radians
if(EW_Indicator=='W') Lon1=Lon1*-1; // make negative if West longitude
Bearing: One of the more important functions for an INS is calculating bearing from one point to another. This is fairly easy to do and the formulas are readily found online. Here is one such website that gives several formulas for distance, bearing and other useful calculations. These calculations all use radians, so care is needed to ensure proper conversions are done. I did have some initial concerns about doing these calculations on my Arduino due to it's limited floating-point math capabilities. But I was relieved to find it handled the following bearing calc just fine! For this project, accuracy to tenths of a degree are acceptable, and Arduino has no problem delivering. The code:
void Calc_Bearing() // Bearing - calculate bearing from point to point
dLon = Lon2-Lon1;
Bearing = atan2(sin(dLon)*cos(Lat2),cos(Lat1)*sin(Lat2)-sin(Lat1)*cos(Lat2)*cos(dLon));
if(Bearing<0) Bearing+=360;
Distance: By using the Haversine formula, distance can be calculated between two points. This code will calculate distance in miles. For kilometers, use an Earth radius of 6371km instead of 3959mi. Code:
void Calc_Distance() // Distance - calculate distance between two points
dLat = Lat2 - Lat1; // dLon is already calculated above
float a = sin(dLat/2) * sin(dLat/2) + sin(dLon/2) * sin(dLon/2) * cos(Lat1) * cos(Lat2);
float c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
Distance = 3959 * c; // 3959 is average Earth radius in miles
And to make life easy, here is a complete sketch to perform all the above:
// GPS parsing and calculations //
// Brought to you by: //
#define Deg2Rad 0.0174532925 // 0.0174532925 rads = 1 deg
//---- GPS related variables ----------------------
char aChar;
char GPSData[80];
int index = 0;
int length, complete, comma_position=0;
int ValidData, EW_Indicator, NS_Indicator;
float TempFloat, Lat1, Lat2, Lon1, Lon2, Course;
long TempLong;
float dLon = 0; // difference from Lon1 and Lon2
float dLat = 0; // difference from Lat1 and Lat2
float Bearing, Distance;
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); // Set this to whatever your GPS module supports
delay(300); // Give things time to "warm-up"
// Test lat/lon in radians (these simulate a waypoint)
Lat2 = 0.835899;
Lon2 = -2.14473;
void loop()
//---------- Parse GPS ------------------
// Read GPS when data is available
if(Serial.available() > 0) ReadGPS();
} // End loop
////////////////// FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////
void ReadGPS() /////// Read GPS data /////////
while(Serial.available() > 0)
aChar =;
if(aChar == '\n')
// End of record detected. Time to parse
index = 0;
GPSData[index] = aChar;
} // end while complete=0
} /////// END read GPS
void ParseGPS() ////// Parse GPS data //////////
Lat1=0; Lon1=0; Course=0;
for(index=0; index<length; index++)
case 2: // Valid Data
case 3: // Lat1
case 4: // Valid Data
case 5: // Lon1
case 6: // Valid Data
case 8: // Course (course)
} // switch
} // for loop
///// Now, finish parsing /////////////////
// Latitude - Seperate Lat1 into Deg & Mins, convert to decimal deg, then to radians
TempLong = Lat1/1000000; // Degrees
TempFloat = (Lat1-TempLong*1000000)/10000; // Minutes
Lat1 = TempLong + TempFloat/60; // Decimal degrees
Lat1 = Lat1 * Deg2Rad; // Radians
if(NS_Indicator=='S') Lat1=Lat1*-1; // make negative if South latitude
// Longitude
TempLong = Lon1/1000000; // Degrees
TempFloat = (Lon1-TempLong*1000000)/10000; // Minutes
Lon1 = TempLong + TempFloat/60; // Decimal degrees
Lon1 = Lon1 * Deg2Rad; // Radians
if(EW_Indicator=='W') Lon1=Lon1*-1; // make negative if West longitude
// Course
Course = Course/100;
complete=0; // reset variable
} // End parse GPS
void Calc_Bearing() // Bearing - calculate bearing from point to point
dLon = Lon2-Lon1;
Bearing = atan2(sin(dLon)*cos(Lat2),cos(Lat1)*sin(Lat2)-sin(Lat1)*cos(Lat2)*cos(dLon));
if(Bearing<0) Bearing+=360;
void Calc_Distance() // Distance - calculate distance between two points
dLat = Lat2 - Lat1; // dLon is already calculated above
float a = sin(dLat/2) * sin(dLat/2) + sin(dLon/2) * sin(dLon/2) * cos(Lat1) * cos(Lat2);
float c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
Distance = 3959 * c; // 3959 is average Earth radius in miles
void Print_Results()
Serial.print("Lat: ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("Lon: ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("Bearing: ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("Distance: ");