Thermocouple Project
Approx. Cost
PIC16F876 Microcontroller
MAX6675 Thermocouple Chip
LCD Display - Blue
$4.99 (+$5.99 shipping from China)
SOIC To DIP Adaptor(for MAX6675)
28 Pin Socket
20 Mhz Resonator
Circuit Board
10K Ohm Potentiometer
7805 Voltage Reg
9v Battery Connector
9v Battery Holder
10uF 35v Caps(x2)
Blue terminal connector
Micro switch
Headers, wire, resistors, ect.
Total Approx. Cost:
A rough schematic:
Here is a snippet of BASIC code which reads the data from the chip. Written using MBasic from (I do NOT have the HEX file available, or this code written in any other programming language):
'Setup MAX6675 - Thermocouple
MAXData con c1 ' MAXpin7
MAXcs con c6 ' MAXpin6
MAXClock con c3 ' MAXpin5
MAXResult var word
THC var word ' degrees Celsius (* power of 10)
THF var word 'stores degrees F
low MAXcs ' select chip
shiftin MAXData,MAXClock,msbpost,[MAXResult\16] ' get data
high MAXcs ' start new data capture
THC= (MAXResult/32) ' Deg. C
THF= (((THC*18)/10)+32) 'Conversion to Deg. F
lcdwrite b5\b4, portb.nib0,[SCRRAM,clear,"Temperature: ", dec THF, "F"] 'display temp. on LCD
pause 20 'give time between read cycles for MAX6675 to work right
goto Main